/*! @license
* Shaka Player
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @summary Create an Event work-alike object based on the provided dictionary.
* The event should contain all of the same properties from the dict.
* @extends {Event}
* @export
shaka.util.FakeEvent = class {
* @param {!Event} event
* @return {!shaka.util.FakeEvent}
static fromRealEvent(event) {
const fakeEvent = new shaka.util.FakeEvent(event.type);
for (const key in event) {
Object.defineProperty(fakeEvent, key, {
value: event[key],
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
return fakeEvent;
* Allows us to tell the compiler that the dictionary "map" is actually a
* generic object, for backwards compatibility.
* @param {!Map<string, Object>} dict
* @return {!Object}
* @suppress {invalidCasts}
* @private
static recastDictAsObject_(dict) {
goog.asserts.assert(!(dict instanceof Map), 'dict should not be a map');
return /** @type {!Object} */ (dict);
* @param {string} type
* @param {Map<string, Object>=} dict
constructor(type, dict) {
if (dict) {
if (dict instanceof Map) {
// Take properties from dict if present.
for (const key of dict.keys()) {
Object.defineProperty(this, key, {
value: dict.get(key),
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
} else {
// For backwards compatibility with external apps that may make use of
// this public constructor, this should still accept generic objects.
const obj = shaka.util.FakeEvent.recastDictAsObject_(dict);
for (const key in obj) {
Object.defineProperty(this, key, {
value: obj[key],
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
// The properties below cannot be set by the dict. They are all provided
// for compatibility with native events.
/** @const {boolean} */
this.bubbles = false;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.cancelable = false;
/** @type {boolean} */
this.defaultPrevented = false;
* According to MDN, Chrome uses high-res timers instead of epoch time.
* Follow suit so that timeStamps on FakeEvents use the same base as
* on native Events.
* @const {number}
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/timeStamp
this.timeStamp = window.performance && window.performance.now ?
window.performance.now() : Date.now();
/** @const {string} */
this.type = type;
/** @const {boolean} */
this.isTrusted = false;
/** @type {EventTarget} */
this.currentTarget = null;
/** @type {EventTarget} */
this.target = null;
* Non-standard property read by FakeEventTarget to stop processing
* listeners.
* @type {boolean}
this.stopped = false;
* Prevents the default action of the event. Has no effect if the event isn't
* cancellable.
* @override
preventDefault() {
if (this.cancelable) {
this.defaultPrevented = true;
* Stops processing event listeners for this event. Provided for
* compatibility with native Events.
* @override
stopImmediatePropagation() {
this.stopped = true;
* Does nothing, since FakeEvents do not bubble. Provided for compatibility
* with native Events.
* @override
stopPropagation() {}
* An internal enum that contains the string values of all of the player events.
* This exists primarily to act as an implicit list of events, for tests.
* @enum {string}
shaka.util.FakeEvent.EventName = {
AbrStatusChanged: 'abrstatuschanged',
Adaptation: 'adaptation',
AudioTrackChanged: 'audiotrackchanged',
AudioTracksChanged: 'audiotrackschanged',
BoundaryCrossed: 'boundarycrossed',
Buffering: 'buffering',
Complete: 'complete',
DownloadCompleted: 'downloadcompleted',
DownloadFailed: 'downloadfailed',
DownloadHeadersReceived: 'downloadheadersreceived',
DrmSessionUpdate: 'drmsessionupdate',
Emsg: 'emsg',
Prft: 'prft',
Error: 'error',
ExpirationUpdated: 'expirationupdated',
FirstQuartile: 'firstquartile',
GapJumped: 'gapjumped',
KeyStatusChanged: 'keystatuschanged',
Loaded: 'loaded',
Loading: 'loading',
ManifestParsed: 'manifestparsed',
ManifestUpdated: 'manifestupdated',
MediaQualityChanged: 'mediaqualitychanged',
MediaSourceRecovered: 'mediasourcerecovered',
MetadataAdded: 'metadataadded',
Metadata: 'metadata',
Midpoint: 'midpoint',
NoSpatialVideoInfoEvent: 'nospatialvideoinfo',
OnStateChange: 'onstatechange',
RateChange: 'ratechange',
SegmentAppended: 'segmentappended',
SessionDataEvent: 'sessiondata',
SpatialVideoInfoEvent: 'spatialvideoinfo',
StallDetected: 'stalldetected',
Started: 'started',
StateChanged: 'statechanged',
Streaming: 'streaming',
TextChanged: 'textchanged',
TextTrackVisibility: 'texttrackvisibility',
ThirdQuartile: 'thirdquartile',
TimelineRegionAdded: 'timelineregionadded',
TimelineRegionEnter: 'timelineregionenter',
TimelineRegionExit: 'timelineregionexit',
TracksChanged: 'trackschanged',
Unloading: 'unloading',
VariantChanged: 'variantchanged',